Fast Food: 4 Reasons Not To Indulge

It is common knowledge that eating fast food is unhealthy for us. There is a reason that these heart attack inducing restaurants have to display how many calories their menu items contain. Ever wonder why you never hear or see the term super-size anymore? It's because the term was once used by the fast food industry to make it fun for us to order more food than we should eat. After the documentary titled "Super-Size Me" was released the term didn't quite have the same ring to it. Don't you think the words medium and large are a little dull compared to their cousin, super-size? These companies know what 

 stimulates and tempts the human mind and they exploit it to the max. If this kind of manipulation isn't enough to deter you from pulling in to the drive-through lane then read below for a few reasons that hopefully will.
Lack of Energy