Health Benefits of Honey and Bee Pollen

If you are under stress, you get tired fast, you are anxious and you don’t sleep well, try to replace the drugs with a mixture of crystallized honey, bee pollen and propolis. These natural products can be used to clean the face, as mask that removes wrinkles and acne.
If you have sand or stones in the kidneys or stomach, take one tablespoon in the morning for 40 days, meadow honey dissolved in 2 deciliters sparkling water, this medication is useful in other diseases of the kidneys and the bile

Inflammation of the genitals helps taking one to three tablespoons of bee pollen daily before meals without adding liquids.
To improve the blood count use royal jelly mixed with crystallized honey and bee pollen. This mixture is great for regenerating the body, especially after severe disease or chronic fatigue in the elderly. Honey enters the bloodstream in 20 minutes, his action is fast and efficient. To reduce the effect of the consumed alcohol, drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of honey.

If you are making the royal jelly mixed with crystallized honey and bee pollen, this medicine is placed in a jar, make sure to wrap the jar with aluminum foil and store in a cool place away from sunlight.

The exhausted, weak and hyperactive children should be given at least once and preferably twice a day in a spoonful of honey dissolved in 2 deciliters hot or cold milk, and adults can consume this natural remedy, provided they do not suffer from diabetes
Bee pollen if taken pure can replace drugs that contain B vitamins. You should take one tablespoon every morning before breakfast and at night before bedtime.
If you have problems with your stomach, every morning and evening take 15 drops of propolis with one tablespoon of honey. This medicine has antiseptic effect and is recommended for inflamed and pyogenic processes of the skin.

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