In Search of Attitude and Motivation

Successful people are in charge of their own attitude and motivation. They know that the drive comes from within, not from outside; not from others. Can we learn to be successful? Can we learn to be in charge of our attitude and motivation?
The beginning of all attitude is faith. We either have faith in fear, or we have faith in our future. We either believe that others have power over us, or that we have the power to respond successfully to our challenges and circumstances
Much of our culture and society encourages victim status, and rewards a victim mentality. But, victims are pawns. Victims are powerless. Victims are at the mercy of other people and circumstances
But, a victim mentality can be overcome. When a person gets sick and tired of being a victim, they are already moving toward a change in attitude. You can give up the victim mentality, and you can develop the attitude and motivation to overcome your circumstances
Where to begin? Do you believe that you are important? If so, you cannot stay a victim, can you? Do you believe you have worth? If so, then why would you be satisfied with being under the circumstances ?
Let's consider an important point right here. If a person has been tepid and unchallenged in their life choices, it isn't reasonable to expect them to turn into a Bill Gates or Ted Turner overnight. Gymnasts do not start out on a balance beam two feet above the floor. They begin with a balance beam on the floor. As they gain confidence and balance, the beam is raised a little bit. Then a little bit more. And a little bit more. So, by the time the beam is full height, they are already accustomed to the height because they didn't start out there, but they arrived
If you do not have a destination, any road will get you there. Think about that. It means that when we have no goals, we can take any route in life, because it doesn't matter. We have put ourself in the hands of circumstances, or life. We have given up responsibility

In order to develop a successful attitude and motivation, we must take responsibility for our choices and our lives. Success is a choice. So is our attitude. When we change our attitude, the motivation will come.
Do you believe you can be a success? Do you believe you can reach your goal? Do you believe that you can learn everything you need to know to attain your destination
If you believe it, you can achieve it. You have found the source of attitude and motivation within yourself.
Pastor Dan Jenkins is a positive living and motivational coach

Pastor Dan Jenkins has been involved in motivation and positive living since 1976. His involvement includes the Dale Carnegie Course, Adventures in Attitudes, and personal studying of positive mental attitudes from Zig Ziglar, Robert Schuller, Og Mandino and others

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