Lemon – home remedy

From lemon we can use all components even bark.

Unless sprinkled, the lemon rind contains essential oils that destroy bacteria.
Substances that the lemon contains acts as a natural cure for allergies and inflammation, and help in prevention of cancer.
This fruit is useful for regulating the level of cholesterol in the blood and also acts to regulate digestion.
Because of its medicinal properties lemon is widely used in the natural treatment of some diseases.
Here are some recipes:
Against bronchitis
Mix 100 grams of olive oil with 100 grams of lemon juice,take one teaspoon of this syrup every hour,it will calm the cough.
Against diarrhea
Five times a day drink a glass of milk mixed with the juice of one lemon,substances containing lemon help kill bacteria that cause diarrhea
Against corns and callus
before you go to sleep put a slice of lemon about 5mm on your corns,repeat this procedure every night until
it disappears
Against capillaries and varicose veins
Mix one tablespoon of olive oil with three tablespoons lemon juice, daily massage the affected areas with that mix.Lemon juice strengthens and brings the walls of blood vessels.
Against excessive heat
A teaspoon of sour cream add eight drops of lemon juice, and mixed with 500 grams of cold water. Pour the liquid on the cloth and then put it under the knees.
Against headache
Massage her temples with lemon zest,essential oil that contains lemon penetrates the skin and act against headaches.

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